Struggling to stay Sharp and Energetic in this busy World?

Learn to master simple exercises for that improve mental performance and physical poise for all ages so you can stay in the game.

three generations pulling rope at the beach

Do you know the downside of an unintegrated brain? It steals your potential!


Do you know that you can reduce stress,  enhance your performance, have better work-life balance, and be more successful by improving your brainpower?

Movement is the magical key to integrating your brain and form new connections in your brain at any stage of your life to bring out your full potential. The comprehensive approach of

Brain  Gym addresses the often-overlooked physical aspects of learning, including visual, auditory, motor, and stress management skills.

26 designed movements and  techniques  from the Brain Gym® System encourage individuals of all ages to surpass their perceived limits and achieve remarkable goals at any age. It can also help you!

I believe that everybody has tremendous brain power potential, which is the basis for a fulfilled life – and with a bit of training I can help you unlock your potential!

2 young boys at school


Children need individual assessment for school readiness to draw out their potential!

Learning about integrated brain function creates resilience and takes the stress out of everyday living!


men and women around a board

Brain training to keep your senses and muscles strong will allow you to continue enjoy an active and engaged lifestyle!


older man and woman dancing in the kitchen

What's the Solution?

Smarten up and build up your resilience – the easy way

In my 35+ years of practice, I’ve encountered common questions like, “Why should I train my brain or nervous system? How will this help me? Which of my problems will it solve? I am too old to change and learning is too difficult.” Your brain and nervous system are the foundation of everything you do, involving all your senses that help you experience life. Your senses send signals to your brain, which then decides how to respond, usually through movement.

However, if your brain receives limited information due to issues like impaired vision or hearing, poor posture, or weak muscles, your actions may be weak and you can become prone to injury. You may struggle with tasks like reading and writing, leading to stress and exhaustion from constantly repeating tasks. Movement exercises that integrate the brain and nervous system offer a powerful solution. They build self-confidence, enhance body awareness, and cultivate strength and resilience, helping you overcome challenges and embrace your capabilities, ultimately reducing stress and fatigue and improve your posture.

Woman doing brain buttons

Put your Future in Good Hands

Evelyn Brey muscle checking anterior deltoid

1:1 Kinesiology Balance

Get to know yourself better with muscle response checking. 

Whether you’d like more clarity, feel more calm and confident, have improved resilience to stress, sleep better or have more energy – a balanced brain and nervous system helps you to achieve these goals quicker. Use simple movements to get yourself back on track and be relaxed with your family and friends in challenging situations.

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Kinesiology Workshops

Curious to find out more about Kinesiology and what it can do for you?

Attend one of my workshops and learn how to balance your brain and nervous system through simple movements, helping you to build self confidence, have better posture and more flexibility, decrease stress, improve sleep and communication.


smovey brain training movement Evelyn Brey

Become a Kinesiologist

Attend a Brain Gym course to learn the movements and the 5 step balance process to improve whole brain function. Not only can you then help yourself but also your family.

Continue your training and start a career as a Brain Gym Instructor or Consultant.

Your Benefits

female child wakeboarding


  • Well balanced posture for sport and adventure
  • Improved focus and attention
  • Better emotional control
  • Improved reading and writing skills
male and female business people gathering round a computer


  • Reduced stress and risk of burnout 
  • Improved focus and vision
  • Better communication skills
  • Better sleep quality
  • Achieve your goals
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  • Improved mental sharpness
  • Enhanced memory
  • Better sleep quality
  • Increased physical fitness
  • Reduced risk of falling

How to get started

Step 1
Book your initial consultation

Let's talk and briefly discuss how I can support you for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with a kinesiology balance.

Step 2
Book Your 1:1 Session
Online or In Person

Every balance is tailor-made and individualised for defining and implementing your goal.

Step 3
Future steps

You'll receive advice about self care to maintain balance and wellbeing.



"One of a kind!"

Evelyn’s treatments are one-of-a-kind as she has varied knowledge in numerous fields, which she tailored to my needs. It takes a long time to find someone who is interested in pain relief as well as providing preventive healthcare advice and Evelyn surpassed my expectations. I greatly benefitted from Evelyn’s personalized sessions in various ways from pain relief and heightened vitality to the detoxing of stored toxins my body could finally purge itself of safely.   
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Beth Lamont

"Aha moments!"

Evelyn brought her comforting presence and deep knowledge graciously into the Zoom room. During our online practise Evelyn guided me through conscious conversation as she intuitively noticed the nuggets to pluck and weave into new meaning and she was using her ability to hear the words not spoken. In tandem, Evelyn integrated physical body movement into our session, encouraging the subtle yet useful embodiment of the ‘aha moments’ - the rise of Clarity, when the seemingly non-sensical makes sense. Evelyn’s Trio: Listening | Movement | Embodiment, nourished and balanced my Trio of Integrated Intelligences: Strategy | Spirituality | Technology.
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Susan Furness
The Unconventional Strategist and Communications Futurist


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Client's Name
Job Title or City

Who Can Benefit?

Brain Gym primarily involves physical movements, sensory experiences, and activities designed not only to integrate the body and brain for easier learning, stronger focus, emotional centering, and better cognitive function, but also for overall wellbeing and achieving the ‘feeling good within myself’ spot.

Brain Gym emphasizes interactive, hands-on learning experiences that engage multiple senses and stimulate neural pathways through movement, touch, and proprioception.


Movement reflexes Evelyn Brey

Students and Learners

Brain Gym techniques are used to improve cognitive function, focus, and learning abilities. Students preparing for exams, struggling with concentration, or seeking to step up their academic performance may find Brain Gym beneficial.

Easy learning, more energy, keeping up with other students

male and female business people gathering round a computer

Professionals and Executives

Busy professionals and executives facing high levels of stress, pressure, or mental fatigue may benefit from Brain Gym to improve mental clarity, productivity, and decision-making. Brain Gym exercises can help to improve communication and promote emotional resilience in demanding work environments.

Relaxed, better work-life balance

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Athletes and Performers

Athletes, dancers, musicians, and performers looking to improve their physical coordination, posture, agility, and performance may find Brain Gym beneficial. Brain Gym techniques can improve mind-body connection, fine motor skills, and overall athletic or artistic performance.

Less injury prone, improved confidence



Children and adolescents with learning difficulties, attention deficit disorders, neurodevelopmental differences or behavioral challenges may benefit from Brain Gym to improve focus, self-regulation and concentration.

More relaxed, fun with learning

two older men walking. One with a stick


Older adults seeking to maintain cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health may benefit from Brain Gym and other kinesiology balances. Brain Gym exercises can help stimulate neural pathways, improve balance, and enhance overall well-being in seniors.

Reduced fear of falling, social inclusion, able to keep active


Posture, Balance and your Brain

90 % of stimulation and nutrition of the brain is modulated by the spine. Posture moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormonal production. Good or bad posture affects brain function - how you feel, think, and behave.

Better balance - better brain

" Did you know" that you can modify your brain at any age?

Movement brain and neuron Evelyn Brey

What does that mean for you?

Your brain is constantly adapting and changing. Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis allow you to reshape and rewire your brain.

Ready to Get Started? 

Discover how an improved brain function

can benefit you 

"who we're for" wildcard

Are We a Good Fit?

Individuals who want to be in charge and take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing  may benefit the most from Brain Gym and other kinesiology balances.

Ready to Get Started? Click Below!

"who we're for" (and who we're not)" wildcard

Are We a Good Fit?

If you can say yes to the following statements, then we can help you!

However, you’re probably not ready yet if…

Ready to Get Started? Click Below!